Armadillocon 40 will take place at the Omni Southpark Hotel in Austin, Texas on August 3-5, 2018. Along with such writers as Christopher Brown, Nicky Drayden, Stina Leicht, and Rick Klaw, I will be on several panels covering various aspects of genre, especially horror fiction (which seems apt when you consider that I seem to be writing quite a bit of it these days), as well as a reading and a signing. You can review the entire schedule here, and can find me at the following events.
For those interested, I have a reading at 7:30 p.m. on Saturday. I'll be reading "Insane Pies," my first kind-of sort-of slasher story. Hope to see you there. Friday, August 3, 2018 Horror, Religion, and Spirituality Fri 8:00 p.m. Ballroom F Mark London Williams (moderator), Matt Cardin, Derek Austin Johnson, Amanda Downum, Don Webb, Jess Nevins Our panelists will explore the connections between horror (book and/or film) and spirituality/religion. Horror: What We Love and Why Fri 9:00 p.m. Ballroom F Amanda Downum (moderator), Barbara Ann Wright, Derek Austin Johnson, Andrew Hilbert, Don Webb, Josh Rountree Ghosts, hothic, splatterpunk, vampires, weird. There are many types of horror. In this session, we'll ask our panelists to tell to us about the kinds of horror they write, the kinds they like to read, and to suggest favorite horror books and writers. Saturday, August 4, 2018 SFF Movies You Should Have Watched Since Last Armadillocon Sat 12:00 p.m. Ballroom D A. T. Campbell III (moderator), Rick Klaw, Derek Austin Johnson, Scott A. Cupp, Stina Leicht Our annual review of the best movies of the last 12 months or so. Autographing Sat 3:00 p.m. Dealer's Room Martha Wells, Cassandra Rose Clarke, Barbara Ann Wright, Derek Austin Johnson, David Afsharirad, Lauren C. Teffeau Autographing Horror from Page to Screen Sat 6:00 p.m. Southpark A Matt Cardin (moderator), Joseph Fotinos, Derek Austin Johnson, Amanda Downum, Don Webb, Jess Nevins This panel will discuss the relationship between horror fiction and horror film. Reading - Derek Austin Johnson Sat 7:30 p.m. Southpark B Derek Austin Johnson Reading - Derek Austin Johnson Sunday, August 5, 2018 Music & Art Influences in SFF Stories & Novels Sun 10:00 a.m. Ballroom E Stina Leicht (moderator), Bonnie Jo Shufflebeam, Derek Austin Johnson, Josh Rountree, Sanford Allen Where have our panelists used music or art in SFF stories or novels, or seen it used? What are your favorite examples? When you share a playlist with your readers, is it always the same music you wrote to?
Derek Austin Johnson has lived most of his life in the Lone Star State. His work has appeared in The Horror Zine, Rayguns Over Texas!, Horror U.S.A.: Texas, Campfire Macabre, The Dread Machine, and Generation X-ed. His novel The Faith was published by Raven Tale Publishing in 2024.
He lives in Central Texas. Archives
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